
閱讀和語言/ Reading and Laguage:

Lesson 5:
詮釋文學和藝術/ Interpreting Literature and the Arts-
Interpreting Literature and the Arts is another GED Test. These words describe some form of literature or art. Use the words to complete the puzzle.

Write done the definition and an example sentence.

biography (n.) 傳記,傳記文學 [bi-og-ra-phy]
The story of a person's life writeen by somebody else; this type of writing.
- Boswell;s biography of Johnson.

comedy (n.) 喜劇
A play or movie that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending.
- a romantic comedy
- slapstick comedy (打鬧劇)

drama (n.) 戲劇
A play for theather, radio, or television.
- I studied English and Drama at college.

essay (n.) 文章、短文 [es-say]
A short piece of writing on a particular sunject.
- The book contains a number of interesting essays on women in society.

fiction (n.) 小說
A type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones.
- I like to read science fiction.

fine art (ph.) 美術藝術(尤指繪畫和雕塑)
Forms of art, espeially painting , drawing and sculpture, that are created to be beautiful rather that useful.
- He'll have to learn the fine art of persuasion.

nonfiction (n.) 非小說
Prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history.
- This book is top 3 of nonfiction in 2009.

novel (n.) 長篇小說
A story long enough to full a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.
- adventure novel
- children novel
- autobiographical novel (傳記小說-指作者談論生活經驗的小說)
- river novel (長篇小說)

perfprming arts (ph.) 表演藝術
Art such as music, dance and drama which are performed for an audience.

poetry (n.) 詩集、詩歌
Literay work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm (節奏).
- He is chiefly famous for his love poetry.

prose (n.) 散文、散文體
A form of writing that uses everyday speech.
- Newspapers are written in prose.

review (n.) 評論
A report in a newspaper or magazine in which somebody gives their opinion of a book, play, movie, etc.
- a book review (書評)
- the review in the papers

     Student Dictionary (publisher- Houghton Mifflin)
Reference from: Google dictionary, Yahoo dictionary (Taiwan)
         and Student Dictionary (publisher- Houghton Mifflin)



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